RMR Cloud | Privacy Policy
RMR Cloud Privacy Policy app.rmrcloud.com
RMR Cloud is a Texas-incorporated company founded in the year 2016. Since its initiation, it has proven itself the most efficient and cost-effective way for Security Dealers/Companies to operate their business. We have highly customizable and integrated ERP software for Security Companies with custom-managed workflow. It’s a one-stop, solution with HR Tools, Lead Generation, Electronic Documents, Automated Payroll, Reporting Tools, Inventory Management, User-Friendly Mobile Interface, Smart Scheduling for Techs and Sales People, Automated Billing, and many more for our clients.

This privacy policy describes how the https://app.rmrcloud.com/ website and RMR mobile application (app) collect, use, and protect the personal information provided by you (partner seller) when you sign up to become a partner seller through those platforms.

RMR Cloud (collectively referred to as "RMR Cloud," "we," "us," "site," or "our"), is committed to protecting your (partner seller) privacy.
Section 1: How will we use the information we collect from you?
Email Address Information: Your Email address is used to identify and communicate with you uniquely. The Email address is used for communication and fraud prevention. Business Information is used to confirm that you are the business owner.

Camera/Gallery Access (Optional): Camera or gallery access is needed if you (partner seller) want to upload a photo.
Section 2: Glimpse of all the data RMR Cloud collects and stores by RMR Cloud app
The data type in the RMR Cloud contains Email & file-camera access. The email is required and file-camera access is optional.
Data Type Functionality Purpose
Email Required Login functionality
Camera Optional Photo upload functionality
Section 3: Data-safety
We do not share our data with any third-party user. We store partner seller data for a lifetime to prevent fraud and keep our site secure and safe.
Section 4: Contact information
RMR Cloud welcomes customers’ questions or comments regarding this statement of privacy. If consumers believe that RMR Cloud has not adhered to this statement, please contact RMR Cloud at:

RMR Cloud
12750 S Pipeline Rd, Suite 1C
Euless, TX, 76040
Email Address: evan@centralstationmarketing.com
Phone Number: 888-296-7629